Sunday, September 9, 2018


Shafts of sunlight slanted through the clouds, tempting the flowers to bloom. "Starving for Friends" by Slave is blaring in my ears through my P47 wireless headphone. Strutting along this busy sidewalk on Sunday morning, I remembered tweeting "I wish I'll live in the moment. Less snapchatting, more enjoying the times. Less tweeting, more doing things. Literally less reliability on device." My eyes are fed with the view of people stuck with their smartphones, as if their lives rely on that hand-held devices. Globalization they said.

I am currently in a desperate need for a job. Inflation forces citizen to double the hard work for the same amount of salary 10 years before. Post-graduate like me never get a chance to prove our worth, since companies are racing to terminate employees nowadays.

To fill my free time, I enjoy reading good books. My favorite excerpt is from the novel "The Year I Met You" by Cecilia Ahern. "We are constantly evolving; I suppose I have always known that, but because I always knew that, I feared stopping, and it is ironic that it was only when I finally stopped that I moved the most." Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it becomes a butterfly right?

Counting my paces for a job hunt, it has never been easy to be patient; but it is probably harder now than any time in history. We all know, tough time never lasts.

The unedited version of Hope, with errors here and there

Spent 30 minutes to write down the above short story, my piece of writing was solely based on my thoughts and opinion. It is an undeniable truth we face with our current economic condition. Reality hits. All we can do is to keep hustling and pray for a better future.

Start Somewhere

I'd been busy upgrading and customizing my blog to a certain extent I let all my experience in 2018 slipped away unwritten. Not to mention days wasted without journaling, writing, or even reading - three fundamentals I lived for in 2017. So I decided to delete all my entries ((last was on 26 Dec 2017?!!?!)) and start fresh. Here you will find bits of the beautiful things in my life - from books I read and favorite phrases I quoted, my love for arts and everything in between, reviews on anything, and daily rants about life as a student. Basically this will be my private space, but I have the power to choose what to display.

Source: Pinterest

I hope you can find some inspiration and take note of all of the beautiful things in your life too!